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Mental Health Infographic

Imagine RIT poster of a gameboard


  • Photoshop · ProCreate · Illustrator
  • 1 Month

  • Prompt

    Develop an infographic that communicates complex data with color, type, graphics, illustrations, and charts. Consider the online environment, ensuring easy sharing on social media platforms. Choose a topic related to social, political, or environmental issues and use your creative skills to persuade and inform the target audience—college students.


    I selected this topic based on recent research findings that captured my attention. My longstanding curiosity about Mental Health solutions led me to consider this as a potential avenue. Recognizing the stigma associated with this topic, I saw this infographic as an opportunity to dismantle stereotypes and provoke a shift in perspectives in regards to medicinal use. To convey a positive and engaging message, I opted for vibrant colors, a fluid layout, and playful graphics, aiming to create an atmosphere that challenges societal views on Mental Health in an approachable and inviting manner.


    I initiated the project by delving into research on 70's poster designs for inspiration. However, I quickly realized that the whimsical and playful type associated with that era might not effectively convey the seriousness of medical research. As a result, I shifted my approach towards eye-catching typography, placing emphasis on clarity and impact.

    In the subsequent stages, I organized my research into four distinct categories: mental health in America, the stigma surrounding psychedelics, brain functions, and the impact of psychedelics on the brain. To enhance comprehension, I reformatted research data and charts into a more digestible and accessible format.


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    I initially approached this infographic with a focus on color, but I found that it became a distraction from effectively visualizing the research. This experience emphasized the significance of prioritizing layout before integrating color, highlighting the importance of clarity in conveying information.

    The project also provided valuable lessons in balancing creative preferences with the essential need for conveying information accurately. Striking a balance between a colorful aesthetic and maintaining a serious tone presented a challenge, leading me to opt for a more subtle background to ensure the information took precedence and stood out effectively.

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