Tamagotchi Design

A digital tamagotchi of a puzzle that got lost under a bed. Enjoy the journey of Puz!


1 Month


Figma & Cinema 4D


User Flow, 3D Design, Character Design, UI

Design Process

The Backstory of Puz

In a cozy bedroom filled with the soft glow of a night lamp, there sat a puzzle named Puz. Puz had been part of this bedroom for as long as he could remember, his vibrant pieces a familiar sight to the young boy who called this room his own. His owner, Tommy, had received Puz as a birthday gift from his grandmother, who knew of Tommy's love for puzzles and adventure.

Research Findings

Initial Sketches

AI was used to conceptualize character design. While it was helpful, I decided to go a different direction and humanize the puzzles shape. This felt more approachable yet was more challenging to do organic shapes in 3D.

Concept Ideas

Case Iterations

Using Spline, I prototyped many version of a case. I didn't achieve what I wanted so I decided to move to Cinema 4D to complete my vision. My inspiration was early 2000's games such as LeapFrog and Nintendo.

User Journey Map

Character Iterations

Originally I was going to do 2D illustrations. I soon learned that 3D was an easier and faster way to maintain a consistent envoironment and style.

User Journey Map

UI Interations

The UI was the most dificult part of the process due to the busy background elements and confined space. I tried many iterations, making sure to prioritize the experience and functionality.

Wireframe Sketches

Device Information

Research Findings

Site Map

This site map helped me plan my user flow, understanding the product on a base level allowed me to go more in depth in the user aspect.

Concept Ideas

User Flow

I focused on figuring out the screens that were important for the user experience. This meant considering what points the user should have control in moving forward and when the system should make the choice for them.

Concept Ideas

Other Projects

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